A family from Kerala onboard the accident hit Coromandel Express had a lucky escape in the mishap that killed close to 300 people and injured close to 1000 passengers. Semeera, who was along with her husband and son in the ill-fated train, escaped unhurt but were numbed to witness the bleeding dead bodies and people crying for help. Semeera is from Payyannur district in Kerala and is also the municipal councillor, as per reports.
The deadly accident that took place on Friday evening in the Balasore district of Odisha shocked the nation and the loss of lives has caused grief and anguish across India and the world. However, it was the locals who first rushed to the spot upon learning about the accident and got into the rescue act from the first hour of the accident itself.
One such family that was helped in the hour of crisis was Semeera's. As per a report in The News Minute, when Semeera and her family got down from the train following the impact of collision, locals who had rushed to the spot with torch in their hands helped them reach the main road.
The news portal report also mentioned that the family took a cab for Bhubaneshwar and are now awaiting the train that would help reach the survivors to their destination. While the tragic accident has resulted in a feeling of anguish across the nation, such acts of kindness by strangers reaffirms one's faith in humanity and brotherhood.