Madhya Pradesh's Narsinghpur witnessed a shocking display of inhumanity as police officers compelled a woman to ride on the bonnet of a car for a distance of 500 meters. The woman's only fault was her attempt to rescue her son, who had been apprehended on charges of smuggling drugs. Bystanders recorded the incident and shared the video on social media, causing it to quickly go viral. In response, the Superintendent of Police (SP) in Narsinghpur suspended the officers involved and initiated a departmental inquiry.
Incident Took Place Following Arrest Of Drug Smuggler
The incident reportedly occurred on Monday evening, but it was not until the video gained traction on Tuesday that the SP took action. Reportedly, drug smuggling has been rampant in Gotegaon of Narsinghpur district, with allegations of police officers themselves providing protection to the illicit trade.
Acting upon a complaint, the SP had instructed the Goonda Squad, consisting of Sub-Inspectors Anil Ajmeria and Sanjay Suryavanshi, Constable Neeraj Dehria, and another officer, to take action. Acting on the information received, the squad raided the residence of Sonu Kahar, a suspected drug smuggler, and apprehended him, seizing 20 grams of smack worth approximately three lakh rupees.
Accused's Mother Placed Herself On The Bonnet Of Car
During the journey to the police station with Sonu in custody, Mohini Kahar, the accused's mother, arrived at the scene and protested against her son's arrest. Insisting on his release, she positioned herself on the car bonnet. Despite the officers' initial attempts to remove her, Mohini remained steadfast. Faced with her persistence, the police resorted to trapping her on the bonnet and transported her to the police station, covering a distance of 500 meters.
3 Officers Suspended
An onlooker captured the entire incident on a mobile phone and promptly shared the video on social media even before the police reached the station. After the video went viral, the SP of Narsinghpur took prompt action, directing the Deputy SP to investigate the matter. Based on the report, three police personnel were suspended, and a departmental inquiry was ordered. SDOP Bhavna Maravi of Narsinghpur stated that if the allegations are substantiated during the inquiry, appropriate action will be taken against the accused officers as per the established rules and regulations.