In a shocking incident, a Class 3 student was allegedly beaten by a teacher and locked up in a room for three days in an ashram in Karnataka's Raichur, as per reports. The student was beaten with firewood and a bat for allegedly stealing a pen.
The boy's family has accused teacher Venugopal and his aides at Ramakrishna Ashram in Raichur of badly assaulting the boy.
As per reports, acting on the complaint of the boy's family, the police have registered a case against the accused.
"Two older boys and a teacher hit me. They hit me with firewood, and when it broke, they used a bat. They also caused cuts on my body. They took me to Yagdir to beg for alms at the railway station, but I didn't receive any money," India Today quoted the boy as saying.
According to reports, the boy was severely injured in the attack. Currently, he is receiving treatment in the hospital.
The boy was sent to the ashram due to the family's poor financial situation. At the ashram, his classmates accused him of stealing a pen and complained about him to the ashram authorities. After this, the boy was tortured by the ashram authorities.
The mother of the boy learned about the attack on her younger son from her older son, who was staying at the ashram and is in the 5th grade.
According to the boy’s family, he was staying at the ashram due to their unfavorable financial situation. While playing, his classmates accused him of stealing a pen and reported the incident to the ashram authorities, who mercilessly thrashed the boy. The incident came to light when Tarun's mother visited the Ramakrishna Ashram. The mother denied that her son had stolen any pen. She said that he found a pen on the ground and placed it somewhere else.
The mother alleged that the teacher hit the her son with belts, blindfolded him, and tied his hands. "The teacher also caused cuts on his legs and hands and beat him until midnight," she said.
Sudarshan, a child rights activist, stated that the boy has been rescued, and the matter has been brought to the attention of government authorities at the Women and Child Welfare Ministry.