The police reported that a civilian from Udhampur died from his wounds on Monday when terrorists in Anantnag, in Jammu and Kashmir, opened fire on him. The deceased has been named by the police as Deepu from Udhampur, who was employed by a theme park close to Janglaat Mandi in Anantnag. The victim died from his injuries after being transferred to the hospital, according to the police.
Deepu's brother, a resident of Udhampur, was grief-stricken over his death. Speaking to ANI, he said, "He was the sole breadwinner of the family. My eyes are defective for the last four years. My father is visually impaired, he can't work. We are completely destroyed. We want justice. What was our fault?"
Further investigation into the incident is underway
"We have launched a search operation. Further investigation into the matter is underway," they added. Earlier, Jammu and Kashmir police arrested a terror associate of the banned terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) during an operation in the Nagbal Chandoosa area of Jammu and Kashmir's Baramulla district, said an official statement on Saturday.
According to Jammu and Kashmir Police, the terror associate was identified as Mohd Ashraf Mir, a resident of Laridoora Chandoosa, Baramulla. During the search, police recovered one grenade from his possession. A case under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and Arms Act was registered against the accused at Chandoosa police station, they added.
(With inputs from ANI)