Gujarat: In a move mirroring the central government's decision, the Gujarat government on Thursday declared a half-day public holiday on January 22nd to allow people across the state to participate in the historic Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir's 'Pran Pratishtha' (consecration) ceremony in Ayodhya.
The announcement, made through a public notification by the Additional Secretary (Protocol) of the General Administration Department (GAD), states that all state government offices will remain closed until 2:30 pm on January 22nd. This measure aims to facilitate widespread participation in the momentous occasion, allowing people to witness the consecration ceremony or engage in personal celebrations.
Which Offices Are Affected By This Order?
The order extends to state government boards, corporations, and Panchayat offices, ensuring inclusivity across various administrative levels. This decision follows the central government's similar announcement earlier in the day, granting a half-day closing to all central government offices, institutions, and industrial establishments throughout India.
The nationwide holiday underscores the significance of the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir's Pran Pratishtha, marking a culmination of decades-long aspirations for countless devotees. The ceremony, presided over by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and attended by several VVIPs, promises to be a historic event witnessed by millions across the country.