Two Madhya Pradesh residents were detained by the Ahmedabad Crime Branch's cyber unit in connection with threats made at the Narendra Modi Stadium during the India-Australia test match, said a police official on Sunday.
The police were looking into threats made by pro-Khalistani organisations to sabotage the series of tests between India and Australia in Ahmedabad. Threats made by the suspects, who are purportedly employing SIM box technology, are said to have been in response to Prime Minister Modi and his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese's visit to Ahmedabad earlier this week.
Two arrested from MP
The accused was located by the Ahmedabad police across a number of towns in Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. Following searches, two people were taken into custody in MP's Satna and Rewa districts.
“I have seen reports of attacks on temples in Australia. I have conveyed this to PM Albanese and he has assured me that the safety and well-being of the Indian community in Australia is a priority for them,” PM Modi said.
“Our teams will be in regular contact on this matter, and will cooperate as much as possible," he further added.