Tamil Nadu Minister Senthil Balaji, who was held by the Enforcement Directorate on the intervening night of June 13 and June 14, is likely to undergo heart surgery after an angiogram conducted on Wednesday revealed that he has three blocks in his heart. The doctors have recommended that the minister undergo bypass surgery.
He complained of severe chest pain and was admitted to Omandurar Hospital in Chennai.
Balaji was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday following searches conducted at his premises in connection with a money laundering case. The arrest came after an extensive questioning session under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) regarding a cash-for-jobs scam.
Shortly after being informed of his arrest by the probe agency around 1.30 am, the minister complained of chest pain and was subsequently taken to Omandurar government hospital in Chennai.
Drama and Protests Near Hospital;
Outside the hospital, a scene of high drama unfolded as the DMK leader arrived. Supporters gathered in protest against the ED's actions, while Senthil Balaji was seen crying in pain while lying in a car.
His emotional state continued as he was transferred to an ambulance, where he wept copiously. The supporters outside raised slogans against the ED, expressing their dissatisfaction with the situation.
Medical Examination and Political Response
Senthil Balaji was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Omandurar government hospital as doctors observed variations in his ECG. The presence of the Rapid Action Force at the hospital ensured security during the medical examination. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin arrived at the hospital following the arrest to meet Balaji.
Speaking to the media, Stalin stated that despite the minister's cooperation with the probe agency, he had faced pressure that ultimately triggered the chest pain. Outside the hospital, DMK workers voiced their discontent with Governor RN Ravi, raising slogans against him.