New Delhi: CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury was placed on a ventilator on Thursday after his health deteriorated. The 72-year-old leader, currently admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi, is reported to be in critical condition, according to reports.
Yechury was initially admitted to AIIMS' emergency ward on August 19 due to a lung infection and was later moved to the ICU of the hospital's private ward. On Thursday, his condition worsened, leading to his transfer to a ventilator.
Senior Doctors Having Close Watch On Yechury's Health
A team of senior doctors at AIIMS is closely monitoring Yechury's health. While the exact nature of his illness has not been disclosed, he was admitted for the treatment of a serious infection, similar to pneumonia. He had also recently undergone cataract surgery, though it is unclear if this is related to his current health issues.
Who Is Sitaram Yechury?
Sitaram Yechury is a notable political figure and currently serves as the general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). He has had a long and distinguished political career, starting as a student leader. In 1974, he joined the Students Federation of India (SFI) and became a CPI(M) member in 1975.
During the Emergency, Yechury, then a student at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), was arrested but later released, eventually becoming the leader of the JNU Students’ Union. He was also awarded the Best Parliamentarian Award in 2016 while serving as a Rajya Sabha MP.