Dhamtari: The police conducted a search operation on the Dhamtari-Odisha Highway, resulting in the arrest of an interstate smuggler in possession of 70.5 kgs of Ganja worth Rs 14.10 lakh. Additionally, they seized a Hyundai car with registration number OF-02-CC-5660 valued at Rs 11 lakh, a mobile phone worth Rs 7000, and Rs 4000 in cash.
The raids were carried out on Sunday night, according to a police press release.
Ganja concealed in brown-colored packets
Based on concrete intelligence input, the police set up a trap on the Dhamtari-Odisha Highway within the Borai police station limits at Barrier Naka. One person sitting in the car was arrested on the basis of suspicion. During the subsequent investigation, the police team, led by Borai Police Station SHO Rajesh Jagat, discovered a consignment of 70.5 kgs of Ganja concealed in brown-colored packets. The interstate Ganza smuggler, identified as Damaru Hantal, son of Jagnat Hantal (21) and a resident of Badpadar, Malkangiri Odisha, was apprehended.
The police took action under the Narcotics and NDPS Act Section (B), resulting in the seizure of the Ganja consignment, the car, mobile phone, and cash amounting to Rs 25.21 lakh, the officer stated.