Raipur: Former Minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Rajesh Munat leveled serious allegations against the Congress party during a press conference held at the BJP's Raipur office on Friday, stating, "Congress is a party of liars."
Munat made these remarks while referring to a statement by Chhattisgarh Congress Communication Department Head Sushil Anand Shukla. In the statement, Shukla mentioned that the Prime Minister had canceled his Raigarh visit due to a lower public turnout.
Shukla's comments were made in the context of the BJP's Dantewada Parivartan Yatra rally flag-off, where Home Minister Amit Shah was scheduled to start as the Chief Guest but was unable to attend due to incessant rains.
Shah irked by low turnout, says Shukla
Shukla suggested that Shah was alarmed by the low number of attendees at the rally, implying that the BJP's mass meetings were losing public interest, and its popularity was dwindling.
These statements provoked a strong reaction from BJP leaders, who argued that the crowd size at their events was steadily increasing. They accused the Baghel government of misusing government machinery, particularly the Public Relations Department, to create disruptions.
The BJP leaders expressed confidence in their ability to overcome these obstacles and asserted that voters would remove the Congress government from power in the upcoming elections.