The Central Bureau of Investigation has registered a case against Delhi based private company & others including its Director on the allegations of violations of FCRA provisions. It was alleged that the said private company had received unexplained export remittance of Rs. 28.46 Crore (approx.) through four foreign entities in violation of FCRA provisions. It was further alleged that there was an unexplained receipt of foreign fund of Rs 9.59 Crore (approx.) by incorrect characterization of the fund as FDI. The Director of said private company with his close associates had allegedly violated the provisions of FCRA, 2010.
It was also alleged that the provisions of FCRA, 2010, prohibiting acceptance of foreign contribution by company engaged in production and broadcast of audio-visual news or current affairs programme through any electronic mode and by any correspondent or columnist or writer or owner of such company, were violated.
Searches are being conducted at two locations in Delhi at the premises of accused.
Investigation is continuing in the matter. More details are awaited.