Gorakhpur: The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested a Principal Chief Material Manager (IRSS: 1988) from the North Eastern Railway (NER) in Gorakhpur for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 3 Lakh from the complainant.
A case was registered based on a complaint against the Principal Chief Material Manager (IRSS: 1988) of NER, Gorakhpur, alleging that he demanded an undue advantage of Rs. 7 Lakh to refrain from canceling the registration of the complainant’s firm on the GeM Portal. It was further alleged that the complainant’s firm was supplying trucks to Railways on a yearly contract at a rate of Rs. 80,000 per truck per month.
CBI conducted a trap operation and apprehended the accused while accepting a bribe of Rs. 3 lakh from the complainant.
Searches were conducted at the official and residential premises of the accused in Gorakhpur and Noida, Uttar Pradesh, leading to the recovery of approximately Rs. 2.61 Crore in cash and incriminating documents.
The arrested accused is being produced before the Competent Court in Lucknow.