Lucknow: In a shocking incident, a regional manager at HDFC died by suicide in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow. The manager hanged himself at his residence in the Vinayakhand 4 area of Gomtinagar in Lucknow. The deceased has been identified as Prashant Sharma (31) who worked as a regional manager at the HDFC Bank in Lucknow.
The police reached the spot after receiving the information
The police reached the spot after receiving the information about the death of the bank manager and took the dead body of the deceased in their custody and sent the dead body for a post-mortem. The main reason behind the extreme step taken by the bank manager in not clear yet.
Prashant Sharma left a suicide note
Prashant Sharma left a suicide note in which he apoligised to all his family members and asked for forgiveness over his extreme decision to end his life. The Police found a two-page suicide note from the spot.
Suicide should be considered as a heart attack
He stated in the suicide note that his suicide should be considered as a heart attack and also said that leaving everyone behind is very difficult for him. He also asked his relatives to remain happy and bid bid final goodbye to everyone.
'It is very difficult to leave everyone behind'
He wrote in the suicide note, "It is very difficult to leave everyone behind. But I can't trouble everyone anymore. Forgive me, everyone be happy... goodbye everyone." Prashant Sharma's family includes, his wife, mother and father. It is said that his suicide note indicates that he was disturbed with something.
Father called him on his mobile
There are reports that Prashant lived on the second floor and his family lived on the ground floor of the building. The police said that on Wednesday (December 27) evening, when Prashant did come out of his room for a long time, his father dialled him on his mobile phone, which remained unanswered.
Prashant was hanging from the ceiling of the room
The family members then went upstairs and knocked on the door. When they got no response from Prashant, they peeked through the window and saw Prashant hanging from the ceiling of the room.