Lucknow: In a significant development in the Ayodhya gang rape case, SP leader Moeed Khan, currently lodged in Faizabad jail, will undergo a DNA test. The police have initiated preparations to collect his sample. Despite extensive efforts, Moeed Khan's mobile phone has not yet been recovered. To address this, the police plan to take him on remand for further investigation.
On Thursday, the investigating officer visited Lucknow's King George's Medical University (KGMU). Upon returning to Ayodhya, the police will file an application in court within the next 2-3 days to authorize the DNA test.
According to Ayodhya CO Ashutosh Tiwari, the court's permission will be sought to conduct DNA tests on both Moeed Khan and another accused, Raju. The victim, who recently underwent an abortion at KGMU, had a DNA sample taken from the fetus during the procedure.
The call for a DNA test was initially made by SP chief Akhilesh Yadav and later supported by Faizabad MP Awadhesh Prasad. Amidst the ongoing political discourse, preparations for the DNA test are nearing completion.
The victim of the gang rape was transferred from Ayodhya to KGMU, Lucknow, where she was admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Queen Mary) on Monday.
After undergoing an abortion on Tuesday, her condition is reported as stable. She will remain under medical supervision for a week, receiving treatment under Dr. Sujata Dey's care.