What causes high BP other than salty food

What causes high BP other than salty food

IANSUpdated: Thursday, May 30, 2019, 07:19 AM IST

London : Researchers have discovered a new cause of high blood pressure which could lead to major changes in managing the disease. In a study published in the journal JCI Insight, the researchers named the new cause as Connshing syndrome which is linked to the overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol. It is known that in up to 10 per cent of hypertensive patients the overproduction of the adrenal hormone aldosterone – a condition known as primary aldosteronism or Conn syndrome – is the cause of disease.

The authors of the new study, conducted in collaboration with a group of scientists from Germany, decided to name this new cause of hypertension – the combined overproduction of aldosterone and cortisol – as Connshing syndrome. At present, many Conn syndrome patients are treated with drugs that are directed against the adverse effects of aldosterone.      –IANS


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