Malaika Arora has never shied away from showcasing her sartorial fashion choices. The actress recently snapped in the city with her casual look donning a white shirt and shorts. She complimented the look with high wedges heels and black glares. What stole the show was her grand entrance with a Tote Bag from Saint Laurent.
She flaunted the bag that was worth Rs 3.30 lakh. The leather bag grabbed the attention of the paparazzi. Many shared videos of the same. In one of the videos shared by a paparazzi, she is seen taking over a call and waking outside a building and while getting in her car she waves at her fans flaunting the luxurious bag.
The video captioned, "What do global superstars like Hailey Bieber, Sydney Sweeney, Zoe Kravitz and Rosé from Blackpink have in common? They’re all carrying this one massive, can-fit-the-universe tote bag from Saint Laurent."
Within hours, of the video of Malaika snapped in the city with the luxurious bag went viral on the internet. Many flooded comments. While some praised the actress, others stalled her with negative remarks.
One of the users wrote, Holding 3 lakh bag but can't afford a freaking trousers or something."
Another user commented, "It doesn't look more than Rs 300,"
Third user commented, "Itna to mujhpe karja hai pata nahi is janam main de paunga kya nahi."
"3 lacs 6 mahine ki pagar meri", comment reads.
Despite the onslaught of negative feedback, Malaika has remained unfazed and shined on the streets of Mumbai. Earlier she was in the news for her personal life. Reportedly, the actress parted ways with her boyfriend Arjun Kapoor. However, there has been no confirmation about the same from the duo.
On the work front, Malaika was last seen in her 2022 show Moving in With Malaika on Hotstar Specials.