Anupria Goenka, who rose to fame with Salman Khan’s Tiger Zinda Hai (2017) and SLB’s Padmavat (2018) has seen her own journey in Indian OTT landscape with shows like Asur, Ashram and Criminal Justice. Actress, who is currently seen in a sultry role in directors Suparn Varma and Milan Luthria’s Sultan of Delhi shares, “I have always chosen roles that have meat and always did those roles that take the story forward. I don’t think my character in Sultan of Delhi is any different to my past ones. However, I had done roles that are righteous but this time my character Shankari has a lot of grey shade and this time it coming from the space of ambition. Her core values are very different.”
“Initially, I kept wondering that what could be her vulnerable side. I had to build my own back story as to what driven her to this point. On its hindsight, I was like why I had to justify her since the men around her are doing all wrong things for their ambition. But for a women, one always has to show a back story to be be able to justify or relate to her pain,” she adds.
Sharing further on her role, she explains, “While narrating the character to me, including my director Milan, everyone was in awe of Shankari. I have always loved her since she is full of her sexuality. I loved the way she how she plays the game of chess at many layers.”