Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is gearing up for his upcoming film Animal was spotted at the T-Series office in Mumbai. Clad in grey trousers, and a printed grey shirt, Ranbir rocked his new haircut and stubble look. As photos and videos of his outing went viral on social media, one clip showed Ranbir’s hilarious banter with a paparazzo.
In the video shared by a paparazzi account on Instagram, Ranbir can be seen playfully grabbing a paparazzo who got in his way and shoved him inside the lift. He then says “Main isko leke ja raha hoon.” He then looks at the cameraman and asks, “Kyun bhai, kya kar raha hai tu?”
Watch the video below.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the makers of Animal unveiled the film's teaser recently. It shows Ranbir with his leading lady Rashmika Mandanna discussing their plans to have kids.
Rashmika’s character then asks him, “You won’t be like your father, right?” which irks him and then leads viewers into his troubled relationship with his father played by Anil Kapoor, who can be seen slapping him.
Ranbir then goes on to transform into a ruthless leader of a gang, igniting gore and blood on screen carrying a huge ammunition against his rivals.
The film has been directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga of Kabir Singh and Arjun Reddy fame and also stars Bobby Deol as the antagonist and Tripti Dimri. Produced by T-Series, Animal is all set to release in theatres on December 1. Ranbir also has Brahmastra Part 2: Dev directed by Ayan Mukerji.