In 2022, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh found himself embroiled in controversy due to a nude photoshoot featured in a magazine. These provocative images not only sparked a wide range of opinions but also led to a police complaint. Surprisingly, these pictures have once again come into the spotlight, this time thanks to American singer Sufjan Stevens. The music sensation has chosen one of these images as the thumbnail for his latest song "Javelin." Take a peek for yourself.
The controversial images of Ranveer, which were initially taken for Paper Magazine, were publicly shared on July 21, 2022. In these photos, Ranveer can be seen without any clothing. Notably, one of the images features him lying on a rug in the nude, recreating the iconic photograph made famous by Burt Reynolds. Interestingly, Paper Magazine is the very same publication that caused a sensation back in 2014 with its famous Kim Kardashian Champagne photoshoot, which captivated the internet.
Despite breaking stereotypes, Ranveer Singh found himself entangled in legal issues when an FIR was filed against him. This complaint led to the registration of an FIR at the Chembur Police Station. According to reports, the case was initiated following a complaint from a member of an NGO, who alleged that the actor's nude photos had offended the sentiments of women.
The Mumbai Police took action by filing the FIR, invoking various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 292 (pertaining to the sale of obscene material), 293 (related to the sale of obscene objects to young individuals), 509 (dealing with actions intended to insult the modesty of a woman), and relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act.
In response, Ranveer cooperated with the Mumbai Police by providing his statement. He asserted that one of the photos had been tampered with and morphed by an unknown individual.