Ritika Singh, who won a National Award for her debut film Saala Khadoos didn’t pick up any Hindi project until the script of InCar came her way. The Free Press Journal caught up with her for an exclusive chat.
The actress is quite open about how it wasn’t easy to wait for so long before she signed InCar. Ritika shares, “It was a testing time for me after my debut film. There was a whole financial pressure that came into the picture. People also had kind of forgotten me. There were times when I was in a dilemma to sign a particular project but my gut told me to wait. It also took a toll on my mental health. I never wanted to be an actor, I wanted to continue in martial arts that I run with my father and represent India. But, I love being on camera.”
Ritika plays a girl, who gets picked by random men in their car. When asked if she is inclined towards mentally taxing roles, she reveals, “Inherently, I am a very chirpy and relaxed person. I also want to do happy and jolly characters. My last film was a Tamil rom-com where I played a fun, girl next door role but I want to do more of those. But, funnily I get darker roles.”
Portraying a character like this comes with social responsibility. On this, the actress tells, “When I met my director (Harsh Warrdhan), I kind of gelled with him and his sensibilities. A script like this which is written by a man is itself an achievement. He has that kind of an emotional depth so I could blindly trust him. In fact, he showed so much faith in me that he didn’t even audition me for this role. He was certain of me. Ironically, I played a boxer in my first film and in InCar, I play this vulnerable woman who is trapped with these men.”
She adds, “For this role, I didn’t give any character back story. I wanted to be in that moment and go situationally. We also shot the film in chronological order so it helped me take it as it goes. By each passing day, I kept building my emotions. I am a woman first so I felt very passionate about the project.”
Sharing further on carrying a baggage of the National Award, she avers, “The only pressure I feel is when people meet me and tell me that they wait for my movies since I majorly work in Tamil and Telugu. They give me validation that if it’s my film, it would be good. So, I feel responsible in that sense but nothing beyond that. I just want to feel satisfied doing a film.”
InCar has released today in cinemas all over.