Bollywood actor Imran Khan, who starred opposite Minissha Lamba in the 2008 film Kidnap, recently recalled a scene, which left him feeling sick and his co-star with bruises. He stated that the scene involved sexual violence and that till date, he feels that the scene could have been easily avoided in the film.
During a recent chat on We Are Yuvaa, Imran opened up on how he is not comfortable with depicting sexual violence on screen. He then recalled an incident from the sets of Kidnap that left him traumatised.
'Went home and threw up': Imran
Imran shared that in one of the songs of Kidnap, titled Mausam, there is a scene in which his character had pull Minissha's character in a den and try to assault her.
"There is this romantic song called Mausam in the film with Minissha Lamba. The scene after that is one of sexual violence, where this character drags her back to the den and it seems for a moment that he is going to sexually assault her. In fact, it begins that way and somewhere he stops and pulls back. I don't think that scene was necessary. I found it very difficult to shoot that scene," he confessed.
He went on to share, "I spent the day shooting that sequence and I went home that evening and I found myself to be very disturbed. I couldn't sleep. I threw up. I just couldn't get it out of my head."
'Minissha had bruises on her arms': Imran
Imran went on to state that when he reached the sets of Kidnap the next day, he saw Minissha covered with bruises. "She had these bruises all over her arms. Dark, purple bruises from where I had grabbed her. I was like, 'Oh my God what have I done?' I sat down with her and I told her that I was very disturbed by the way things played out, and that I was really uncomfortable about the whole thing," he revealed.
However, Minissha consoled Imran and told him that she never felt wrong or uncomfortable doing it. "I have never quite felt okay about it though. I still feel that scene was not really necessary in the film. We could easily have removed it," the actor said.
Kidnap released in the same year as Imran's cult film, Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na, and though the film commercially tanked at the box office, the actor was praised for his performance.