Veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah recently grabbed the attention of fans on social media for his considerate behaviour towards actress Dia Mirza. A video went viral on the internet in which he is seen in a thoughtful moment, where he stands up from his chair to check on Dia's comfort.
During the event promotion of their series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, Naseeruddin inquired if Dia was comfortable with her seating arrangement, showcasing his genuine concern and respect. Netizens quickly took to social media to applaud Shah’s gesture, calling him a 'true gentleman' for his kindness and attentiveness.
The video not only highlights Shah’s courteous nature but also underscores the importance of small acts of respect in public interactions. Netizens reacted to the video and showered their views in the comments. One of the users wrote, "Well mannered man."
Another user commented, "Respect and cute."
The third comment reads, "Good to see his respect for the lady."
"The one and only man who was played a great and mesmerizing role of pilot, commendable," the comment reads.
A month ago, a similar case happened with Dia when director Anubhav Sinha sought permission before putting his hand on her shoulder during a media photoshoot while they were promoting IC 184: The Kandahar Hijack.
The incident has struck a chord with many, acting as a reminder of the small yet meaningful ways in which one can show consideration for others.
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack stars Vijay Varma, Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Manoj Pahwa, Kumud Mishra, Arvind Swamy, Dia Mirza, and Patralekhaa, among others.
The series is based on the December 24, 1999 hijacking of Indian Airlines IC-814 aircraft. It is directed by Anubhav Sinha, and produced by Sarita Patil and Sanjay Routray under Matchbox Shots and Benaras Mediaworks.