The Supreme Court is all set to hold a special screening of Laapataa Ladies on Friday, and ahead of it, actor Aamir Khan reached the courtroom and interacted with the people present. Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, introduced him and cautioned that he does not want a "stampede" in the court.
A photo of Aamir from the court has now gone viral, in which he can be seen seated with his team. Welcoming him, Chandrachud said, "I don't want stampede in the court, but we welcome Mr Aamir Khan who is here for the screening of the film."
The CJI and Aamir were also seen sharing a hearty laugh when AG R Venkataramani mentioned that it was a "star-studded court" today.
Laapataa Ladies screening in Supreme Court
As per reports, it was the idea of CJI Chandrachud's wife to hold a screening of Laapataa Ladies for all the judges, their spouses and family members, and officials of the registry.
"As part of the activities organised during the seventy-fifth year of the establishment of the Supreme Court of India, the movie 'Laapataa Ladies' which is based on the theme of gender equality, will be screened on Friday, August 9, 2024 in the Auditorium, C-block, Administrative Building Complex," the official statement read.
Judges of the apex court along with their families will be seen attending the screening of the film, which will be held from 4:15 pm to 6:20 pm.
Laapataa Ladies released in theatres on March 1, 2024, however, it failed to perform at the box office. It was then released on Netflix, and was a instant hit among the masses, with people lauding it for its theme of gender equality.