Jaunpur: A 16-year-old student collapsed and died on the spot at the gates of his school, Kanchan Girls Inter College in Bandhawa Bajar in Uttar Pradesh’s Jaunpur. He had been suffering from fever and was on his way home when he collapsed. Family members of the deceased claim that Ayush had requested leave from the principal due to his illness but was not allowed to go home. Allegedly, he was made to stand under the sun in the school premises for an extended period on Saturday, which further aggravated his health.
After school hours, as he was leaving for home on his bicycle, he collapsed at the school gate and was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital in Machhalishahar. The family’s accusations of negligence have prompted action by the authorities.
A case was, on Sunday, registered against the school’s manager and principal based on the complaint filed by Ayush’s father, Heera Lal Saroj. The family asserted that Ayush’s untimely death could have been prevented if he had been granted leave to recover from his illness.
In response to the allegations, school manager Santosh Kumar Jaiswal provided a differing account of the incident. He claimed that as Ayush was departing for home, a four-wheeler suddenly appeared in front of the school gate, startling him and causing him to fall, ultimately resulting in his tragic demise. An investigation into this matter is ongoing.