UK institution The University Of Kent is set to transition into 100% plant-based catering after a record-breaking vote. Over 450 students supported the Plant-Based universities' motion to completely ban animal products from university-run catering facilities.
Though the Kent Student Union officially passed the motion on June 22, it will now have to lobby the catering services to make the transition to a complete plant-based menu by 2027-28.
The University of Kent is not the only institute that has made this transition to a 100% plant-based institute. In November 2022, the University of Stirling in Scotland became the first institution to go plant-based, while Cambridge, Queen Mary University of London, Birmingham, and London Metropolitan have also joined in on the calls for a transition to a plant-based diet at the campus.
Plant-Based Universities was established to understand the impact animal agriculture has on the planet. As per reports, Livestock farming is responsible for 14.5% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.
Younger people across UK universities are also increasingly opting to go for a plant-based diet and move away from animal products.
A University of Stirling spokesperson said: “We are proud of the wide range of catering options we offer on campus, which includes the V-go vegan deli bar, and are committed to providing a choice on campus. This is a matter for the Students’ Union and doesn’t impact the University’s other catering options.”