The Telangana government on Friday, September 15 introduced ‘The Chief Minister’s Breakfast scheme’ for students studying in government schools across the state as a gift for Dasara. The scheme for students from classes 1 to 10 from October 24.
The main objective of the scheme is to provide good nutritious food to the students along with quality education.
The state government has issued orders in this regard for the scheme, which will cost an additional Rs 400 crore to the state exchequer annually.
According to a statement from the Chief Minister’s Office, along with providing nutritious food to the students belonging to poor families, the government is taking steps towards increasing their concentration on studies.
The CM understood the difficulties faced by parents of students who are farm workers and leave their houses for work in the morning. KCR had recently sent a team of IAS officers to examine implementation of the scheme in Tamil Nadu. A team of officers, who studied the breakfast scheme for students, submitted a report to the government. It was brought to the CM’s attention that in Tamil Nadu, it is being implemented only up to primary schools. He decided to introduce the scheme by covering high school students as well.