A student in Delhi was suspended from school after writing "Thala" next to each response on his math exam. The boy, who goes by Gajodhar, is a fan of MS Dhoni, and this appears to be his way of showing his respect for the former captain of India, as reported by The Cricket Lounge.
However, Gajodhar's unconventional methods led to his suspension and sparked a discussion about the impact of sports legends on the next generation.
Although it's acceptable to be a fan of any well-known person, a school official claimed that "what Gajodhar did comes under bad conduct."
"The student should have taken his examination seriously... he eventually failed in the exam and got suspended," he stated.
'Thala' originated from CSK
The Tamil word "thala" denotes reverence for a leader. Dhoni's nickname came from his cool, collected style on the field and his outstanding leadership abilities as the captain of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) IPL team.
MS Dhoni, meanwhile, is still competing in the IPL and has been signed by CSK to play in the 2024 edition.