Chandigarh: The Punjab education department has asked students from classes 1st to 8th to learn one Punjabi word every day during their summer vacation, an initiative, it said, will help them connect with their cultural roots. Punjab School Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains on Saturday said students of classes one to eight in government and private schools will find and memorise one word of the Punjabi language every day.
Similarly, students of classes five to eight have also been asked to remember Punjabi names of months and their relation with seasons, said Bains in a statement issued here.
He said pre-nursery children have been given homework on physical activity and hygiene during their summer holidays from June 1 to June 30.
The minister said the purpose of this decision is to make school students aware about the rich cultural heritage of the state through Punjabi words.
He said the curiosity to discover disappearing Punjabi words and develop an understanding of them, will strengthen their desire to connect with their cultural roots.