Initially scheduled for June 23, the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate (NEET-PG) was conducted by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences on Sunday. The exam was postponed as a “precautionary measure” after the widespread allegations of irregularities during the NEET-UG conducted earlier this year.
The computer-based test was held in two shifts and featured a total of 200 multiple choice questions. Aspirants said the exam's difficulty level was comparatively higher as compared to previous years. “The question paper was more difficult than last year. I will not say it was extremely tough, but it was moderately difficult,” said examinee Mahesh Ganesh Ban.
Brijesh Sutaria, whose daughter Muskaan also appeared for the exam, compared the test with the Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INI CET). “It was way more difficult than a regular NEET-PG exam.” INI CET is an entrance exam for postgraduate candidates conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, and is commonly considered tougher than the NEET-PG. Another candidate, requesting anonymity, said, “The exam for me was alright. It was neither extremely tough nor very easy.” However, a lot of my friends said the exam was very difficult.”
On August 9, the Supreme Court rejected a plea, seeking postponement of the NEET-PG 2024. Filed by five students, the petition argued that the last-minute allocation of exam centres created logistical problems for several candidates. However, the top court ruled against the last-minute postponement, saying it cannot jeopardise the career of over two lakh students at the behest of five petitioners.