Today, June 24, the Haryana Board of School Education will be distributing the admission cards for the Class 10 and 12 compartment exams. On the official website,, candidates who are scheduled to take the tests can download their respective hall tickets.
Class 12 Compartment Exams
On July 3, 2024, the Class 12 compartment exams will take place, with 20,707 students participating. 12,529 males and 8,178 girls are included. There will be 75 testing locations spread out over the state for the exam.
Class 10 Compartment Exams
The compartment examinations for Class 10 will take place between July 4 and July 11, 2024. He said that a total of 7,573 students—2,678 females and 4,895 boys—will show up at 28 testing locations throughout the state.
If candidates notice any mistakes in the photo, signature, or other information, they should report it to the board in advance so that the appropriate adjustments may be done. The chairman that mistakes pertaining to photographs and signatures would not be fixed after the exams started, according to HT.
Important instructions
The admit card should only be printed in colour on A-4 size paper for candidates. The same colour photo should be pasted by candidates on the admit card that was uploaded when completing the application form, and it should be certified by the school where they attend.
A valid admit card is a requirement for entry into the examination centre for any candidate.
Notably, 28,280 students in total are scheduled to take both exams.