A video of an incident from the Sundardeep College located in the Dasna area is going viral on the social media platforms. In this video, it can be heard that a student is threatening to be heard by the college guard if he continues to chant the 'Jai Shree Ram' slogans. In the viral video, it can be seen that the security guard of the college started abusing the student after hearing him chant the 'Jai Shree Ram' slogan.
The security guard can also be seen hell bent on starting a physical fight with the student. Talking to the students in a rude tone, the security guards as made threats to call the police against the students. During this time, a female professor of the college, Dr. Deepa Tanwar, can also be seen getting involved in the matter. She was seen shouting at the students who were chanting 'Jai Shree Ram' and even confiscated their mobile phones.
As claimed by the Hindu organization, the college management has reportedly apologized for this action. The police had also received a complaint regarding this incident and has assured that further appropriate actions will be taken for the matter.
The Hindu Raksha Dal later on went to the college after the incident, and claimed that the fault in this matter was of the Security Supervisor Rai. After the video went viral, the Security Supervisor Rai posted a video where he said that he has been working in the particular college for the past 14 years and was also seen apologizing to the people if his words hurt Someone's sentiments.
Defending himself in the video, he stated that due to the chanting of the students which created loud noises, it was disturbing the atmosphere of the college.