CBSE Class 10 Supplementary Results: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is expected to announce the results of the class 10 supplemental test. The extra exams were given between July 15, 2024, and July 22, 2024. After the results are made public, candidates who took the supplemental test can check their results on, the CBSE's official website.
Class 10 supplemental exams ran from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm, with some topics concluding at 12.30 pm. 1,32,337 pupils in Class 10 are either on the compartment list or were declared unsuccessful based on the most recent results.
Results for the CBSE Class 12 Compartment Exam 2024 were made public earlier today, August 2, by the Central Board of Secondary Education. To pass the compartment exams, students need to get a minimum of 33 percent in each subject.
How Can I View CBSE Class 10 Supply Results?
Step 1: Login to, the official website.
Step 2: Click the result link on the homepage.
Step 3: To view the CBSE supplemental result, enter the necessary credentials.
Step 4: The score window will now open.
Step 5: Examine the specifics
Step 6: Download and save for later use.
To view their results, students must first provide their login information, including their registration and roll numbers. It is recommended that candidates print their results and store the hard copy in a safe place in case they need it later. Regular visits to the official website are recommended for those seeking up-to-date and comprehensive information about the exam mentioned above.
It is also advised that candidates contact the appropriate authorities as soon as possible if they have any problems or discover any anomalies in their findings.