Just hours before the Bihar Constable exam was set to commence at multiple examination centers in Patna, several candidates were caught cheating. Despite the presence of multiple Bihar Police teams deployed to prevent irregularities, these candidates were seen openly making slips and writing answers on mobile phones.
Candidates were caught cheating near TPS College and AN College in Patna, writing answers on paper while referring to their mobile phones. When confronted, they fled, leaving behind their cheating materials as reported by Hindi publication Dwsamachar.
Despite claims of a malpractice-free examination and keeping a strict vigil at all the examination centres by the Central Selection Board, the visuals from multiple examination centers tell a different story.
Bihar Police has yet to respond to the allegations, sparking concerns about the effectiveness of their measures to prevent cheating.
In a separate incident in Khagaria, police arrested 10 Solver Gang members from Nayagaon and seized fake answer sheets and question papers, as reported by local media. The gang had gathered 80-85 students in a marriage hall, forcing them to solve fake OMR sheets and question papers.