Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that 75,000 new medical seats will be created in the following five years during his Independence Day speech on August 15, 2024.
In his address to the country from the Red Fort, Modi stated that children, primarily from the middle class, are still travelling abroad to pursue medical education. He says they spend "lakhs and crores" on medical education overseas.
He also said that his government is working to establish a system of education here at home so that children won't have to travel overseas to further their education. Modi added that more international students should be invited to study in India by the government. "We aim to develop an education system in India so that children can further their education without having to travel elsewhere (abroad). In actuality, we would welcome international students to attend classes here," he stated.
"Every year, about 25,000 young people travel abroad to pursue medical education, and I'm always surprised to learn about these countries. Therefore, we have determined that within the next five years, 75,000 extra seats will be added to the medical queue," Modi said.
In the last 10 years, the government has increased almost 1 lakh medical seats.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke on the achievements of students from cities in both tiers during his speech. He mentioned that more than 100 schools nationwide are working on satellite projects, with students hoping to launch them in the future.
He also highlighted the increasing number of tinkering laboratories that are encouraging kids' interest in technology and science. Modi gave the young people assurances that possibilities abound in India and that the country can create more to fulfil their dreams.
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