Mumbai: LT Marg police have registered an FIR in connection with the theft of about 700 grams of gold jewellery. The suspect, who described himself as a man interested in opening a new jeweler's shop, was previously employed at a jewelery shop. Later he opened his own shop and used to buy jewelery from Surbhi Jewellers.
The accused stole the jewelery from there on the pretext of buying it. The theft came to light when the jewelery kept in stock became depleted.
As per the details provided by the police, the person filing the complaint operates a gold jewelry business named Surbhi Jewelers in Mumbai. Numerous customers and traders purchase pre-made gold jewelry from this establishment.
Mohan Singh, who owns a jewelry shop called Chamunda Jewellers in Dombivali, used to visit Surbhi Jewelers to buy jewelry, accompanied by his employee Chhagan Singh.
Around noon on January 3, Chhagan Singh visited the complainant's shop, announcing the opening of his new jewelry store named Chamunda Gold.
He expressed the need to purchase jewelry, specifically seeking finished gold pieces weighing approximately 40 to 50 grams. Subsequently, Chhagan Singh returned to the shop on February 5 and 12 to make additional gold jewelry purchases.
As per details from LT Marg police, during March, the complainant discovered a discrepancy in the gold jewelry stock while conducting an inventory check at the shop. Consequently, they reviewed the CCTV footage of each customer who visited the shop for shopping.
On January 3, Chhagan Singh visited the store to purchase gold jewelry. While the employee was showcasing the items, Singh diverted his attention, discreetly placing the gold pieces into his bag. Subsequently, he returned to the shop on February 5th and 12th.
Upon reviewing the surveillance footage for both occasions, it was discovered that he had pilfered additional jewelry. The accused managed to steal approximately 700 grams of 18-carat gold jewelry, valued at Rs 38 lakh.