SBI Card on Monday announced the allotment of 1,12,960 equity shares to employees as stock option under the SBI Card - Employee Stock Option Plan 2019 at the exercise price of Rs. 152.10 per share, the company announced through an exchange filing.
The face value of the equity shares will be ₹10 each.
With this allotment, the paid-up capital of the company has increased from ₹9,46,36,00,990 consisting of 94,63,60,099 equity shares of ₹10 each to ₹9,46,4 7,30,590 consisting of 94,64, 73,059 equity shares of ₹10 each.
SBI Card shares
The shares of SBI card on Monday at 3:30pm IST were at ₹860, up by 1.62 percent.