The board of directors of Kalyan Jewellers on Thursday reappointed TS Anantharaman as non-executive independent director for three years from December 15, 2023, the company announced through an exchange filing. The reappointment was based on the recommendation from the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and will be subject to approval of the shareholders of the company.
TS Anantharaman's Education and Work Experience
TS Anantharaman holds a bachelor of commerce degree from University of Kerala. He was admitted as an associate member of the Chartered Management Institute, formerly known as the British Institute of Management on June 22, 1976 and as a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on July 31, 1974. He has several years of experience in various sectors, such as banking and teaching management and accounting.
During the course of his career, Mr. Anantharaman has been associated with various institutions such as The Catholic Syrian Bank Limited, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited, Sree Sakthi Paper Mills Limited, St. Thomas College, Thrissur and the International Labour Office (United Nations).
He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Businessonline Kerala Business Summit 2019, the TMAManappuram Group Lifetime Achievement Award 2016 by the Thrissur Management Association and the Life Time Achievement Award by JEMECE (School of Management Studies, University of Calicut, Dr. John Matthai Centre, Thrissur) in 2014.