Bandhan Bank on Friday announced the allotment of 3,152 equity shares to employees as stock option under the ESOP Series 1, the company announced through an exchange filing.
The face value of the equity shares will be ₹10 each.
Post allotment, the issued and paid-up equity share capital of the Bank stands increased from ₹16,10,85,63,990 comprising of 1,61,08,56,399 equity shares of ₹10 each fully paid-up to ₹16,10,85,95,510 comprising of 1,61,08,59,551 equity shares of ₹10/- each fully paid up.
Bandhan Bank Shares
The shares of Bandhan Bank on Friday at 3:06 pm IST were at ₹222, up by 2.87 percent.