One of the major perks that credit cards offer these days is access to lounges across airports in the country, as the Indian middle class with disposable income is flying more often. But as more people get access to such amenities considered exclusive in public spaces, everyone doesn't seem to be happy about it.
In response to another Twitter user's criticism of the crowd and food at airport lounges, ousted BharatPe founder Ashneer Grover compared them to canteens serving free meals.
Irked about rubbing shoulders with passengers from an inferior class
Grover, accused of a Rs 81 crore fraud by his own firm, went on to add that credit cards are like redeeming coupons for free meal schemes at an airport lounge.
He wrote that paying in full for a meal at a restaurant inside an airport offers more exclusivity than a crowded lounge.
His tweet was a response to one from a parody handle, that the airport lounge experience is now all about sharing space with lower-class deal seekers to grab a cold samosa.
The reactions to Grover's tweets ranged from someone calling lounge food low quality to another user preferring fancy restaurants, but one of them pointed out the hypocrisy of providing free meals to a class who can afford lounge meals, instead of those who can't.