Adani Green Energy on Wednesday in its first quarter update said its operational capacity increased by 43 per cent to 8,316 MW YoY with addition of 1,750 MW solar–wind Hybrid, 212 MW solar and 554 MW wind power plants, the company announced through an exchange filing. The sale of energy was up 70 per cent at 6,023 million units in the quarter ending in June vs 3,550 million units in the first quarter of the last financial year.
The company also added that its solar portfolio capacity utilisation factor in June was at 26.9 per cent, up by 40 bps year-on-year backed by 99.7 per cent plant availability.
Wind portfolio CUF in June was at 38.7 per cent, down by 830 bps YoY primarily due to relatively lower wind speed, which was higher last year.
The Hybrid portfolio CUF was at 47.2 per cent, backed by 99.1 per cnet plant availability.
Adani Green's realised carbon credit in the first quarter of financial year 2024 was 0.4 million.
Adani Green Energy shares
The shares of Adani Green on Thursday morning at 11:00 am IST were trading at Rs 960.90, up by 0.67 per cent.