Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Bhopal district and sessions court has issued order to give Rs 85.6 lakh to next kin of deceased central discom lineman. The order to pay compensation of Rs 85.6 lakh has been given to driver, truck owner and insurer United India Insurance Company Limited.
Advocates RK Hingorani and Sunny Hingorani who appeared on behalf of family of the deceased said Samad Khan, resident of Krishak Nagar Bypass Road in Karond, was lineman at central discom.
On June 15, 2020, he was returning home from the village on a motorcycle. Meanwhile, truck hit him near Doraha Jod on Bhopal-Biaora highway at 7.30 am. Samad Khan was seriously injured. He was taken to hospital where he died during treatment.