Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, Jabalpur police recovered two bodies hanging with a nylon rope from a tree in the Bhedaghat forests on Tuesday afternoon. Police have sent both the bodies, a woman and a man’s, for postmortem and started investigating the matter from both suicide and murder angle.
According to information, localites spotted the bodies of a woman and a man, seemingly a monk hanging from a tree near Dhuadhar bridge and immediately informed the Bhedaghat police.
Deceased Residents Of Bhind
Police reached the spot on receiving information, and took down both the bodies. During inspection of the area, the police found the deceased’s Aadhar card and other documents in a cloth bag. Both of them were identified as 50-year-old Mithlesh Kaurav and 55-year-old Halki Rani, residents of Bhind.
Police informed that prima facie the deceased look like devotees on Narmada Parikrama. Their relatives have been informed and they will reach Jabalpur tomorrow after which the postmortem will be conducted.