Seoni (Madhya Pradesh): Light earthquake tremors were felt in MP's Seoni at around 12.55 pm on Thursday afternoon. After which people came out of their homes and shops out of fear. This geological movement has also been recorded in the National Center for Seismology. The intensity of the earthquake has been recorded at 2.8 on the Richter scale.
For the last few months, mild earthquake tremors have been felt in Seoni district headquarters and surrounding villages including Dunda Seoni, Janta Nagar, Doorli Chhatarpur.
Before this, mild earthquake tremors were felt on September 29, 30 and October 1. An earthquake of 2.8 magnitude was also recorded at 9.20 pm on October 1. On September 29, an earthquake of 2.9 magnitude on the Richter scale was recorded and on September 30, an earthquake of 1.8 magnitude was recorded.