Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Two days after a Sarpanch was shot dead in broad daylight in Banheri village of Gwalior district, its live CCTV footage came to fore on Wednesday. The clip showed the accused masked men arrived on Activa and fired eight bullets at Vikram Rawat, killing him on spot.
Of the eight bullets, four bullets hit Vikram in the head, one hit his spine and two bullets hit the liver and lungs, leading to his death on the spot.
In the CCTV video, Sarpanch Vikram Rawat is seen coming out from his white car, while the attackers were watching him at a short distance. As soon as Rawat came out of his car, the attackers surrounded him and fired bullets one after the other. Rawat can also be seen lying in a pool of blood near his car in the footage.
Police are investigating the matter while there is a possibility that the shooting could be the fallout of an old enmity Rawat had with some persons.