Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh): The liquor outlets have been closed 48 hours before the polls, official sources said on Wednesday. The police are keeping an eye on the political parties who may try to terrorise and lure the voters.
Chhatarpur collector and electoral officer Sandeep GR and superintendent of police Amit Sanghi held a joint press conference to give information about preparations for the election.
As many as 10,000 officials have been deployed to conduct polls in six assembly constituencies in the district. Besides local police, 15 companies of paramilitary forces have been put on duty to deal with any incident of violence.
The jawans of police and paramilitary forces will be deployed at the sensitive polling booths which will be under the observation of CCTV cameras for 24 hours.
If there are reports of irregularity, the security men will reach the spot within 15 minutes, the collector and the SP said. The National Security Act will be imposed on anti-social elements, they said.
Sandeep GR said that the administration had made all efforts to increase polling percentage, so those who had left Chhatarpur were also invited to cast their votes.
Special arrangements have been made for the physically challenged and the elderly people, so that they may cast their votes without any hassles. The election material has not been packed in plastic bags to convey a message to the people that along with casting votes, they should keep the environment pollution-free.