Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Kotwali police have yet to ascertain motive behind abduction of two beggar girls executed on the pretext of kanya bhoj. The police have been questioning five family members of the accused to know the truth behind the alleged kidnapping.
The girls were rescued on late Monday night. On Saturday, two beggar girls Kajal (8) and Dipawali (1) were taken away from Peer Gate by two women on the pretext of feeding them in Kanya Bhoj.
When they didn’t return, the girls’ mother approached police and filed the complaint. More than 200 CCTV cameras were scanned to find the alleged kidnappers. The police reached the house of accused in Kolar area and rescued girls. The police have seized a car and a scooter used in the crime and detained five persons including a minor girl in the case.
The police have sealed the house of accused. Sources said family members of the accused kidnappers had been changing statements frequently and could not explain why they tonsured head of the girls.
The police also inquired about the financial background of family of accused. One of the women members is associated with an event management company.
However, the police did not get details of the claim. The police are also surprised about their domicile. One member is from Kerala, three are from Haryana one is from Madhya Pradesh.
The police said all the family members got in touch with each other through social media or matrimonial site. The police found two more children in the house in addition to kidnapped girls.
The police may conduct their DNA test. The police added that they have not arrested accused of the kidnapping case, the police may arrest them after completing preliminary investigation.