Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): During the Kanwar Yatra in Jabalpur on Thursday, Cabinet Minister Rakesh Singh was hit by a flag carried by a participant. The incident occurred as thousands of women took part in the yatra, carrying Narmada water and saffron flags.
The incident was recorded in a video, which circulated widely on social media.
Watch the video here :-
According to information, thousands of women participating in the unique yatra. They carried Narmada water and saffron flags, moving from Gaurighat to the Chandramouleshwar Temple in Rampur.
While walking with the yatra, the minister was struck by the flag held by a participant, causing a temporary halt in the procession. The situation led to some disruption as the crowd gathered around the minister, leading to a halt of the yatra.
Minister Singh responded calmly, asking everyone to stay composed. His handling of the situation allowed the yatra to continue smoothly. Despite the interruption, the participants resumed their journey with renewed enthusiasm and devotion.
The event concluded peacefully, with Singh leading chants in praise of Lord Shiva and guiding the yatra to its end.