Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 26-year-old woman was electrocuted while using an immersion water heater in Bhim Nagar area of TT Nagar area on Tuesday, the police said. The woman was heating water in a bucket using the immersion rod when she fell unconscious after coming in contact with the current. The woman was rushed to Hamidia hospital where the doctors declared her dead on arrival.
TT Nagar police station house officer (SHO) Chain Singh Raghuwanshi said that the deceased woman has been identified as Pooja Garun (26). The woman got married to Shankar Garun last year on February 24, she was mother to an eight-month-old baby. Pooja’s brother Vishal, who lives in the neighbourhood, told the police that Shankar had left home for work on Tuesday morning, and Pooja was about to wash utensils, for which she dipped the immersion rod in a bucket filled with water. During this, she mistakenly touched the rod and got electrocuted. She fell unconscious as her eight-month-old baby kept crying, Vishal told police.
A girl residing in their neighbourhood spotted Pooja lying in the washroom. She alerted the neighbours and Pooja was rushed Pooja to the Hamidia hospital.
The doctors declared her dead on arrival. The matter was reported to the police.