Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Sarod maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan visited the residence of senior journalist late Manoj Mathur in the city on Thursday to condole his death, who had passed away on September 11.
The celebrated artiste, who was in the city after a gap of ten years, said he had come here just to pay tributes to Mathur, who was like a family to him. ‘He was like my elder brother. We got to learn a lot from him. For example – what hospitality is and how to take care of people. Poets, bureaucrats, ministers all used to come to his house. He took great pleasure in bringing people together. His legacy will last forever. We and the people of Bhopal will always remember him’, he said.
Amjad Ali Khan recalled that Dr Mathur used to learn Sarod from his father Hafiz Ali Khan and discharged all the duties of a son. ‘It is sad to see him go. The entire Bhopal city will always miss him,’ he said.