Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A special screening of the movie, Dada Lakhmi, was held at Ravindra Bhawan in the city on Sunday . Writer and director of the film actor Yashpal Sharma was present on the occasion.
Dada Lakhmi is a Haryanvi film based on the musical journey of Haryanvi folk singer Lakhmi Chand also known as Kalidas of Haryana. The lead actors in the film are Yashpal Sharma, Meghna Malik and Rajendra Gupta. The film has been awarded the National Award by the President as the best Haryanvi film.
Dada Lakhmi film is based on the true story of Haryanvi legend Pandit Lakhmi Chand born in an ordinary farmer family. The film shows that Lakhmi had to resist society and his family's opposition to enter in the field of the art. The film shows how Dada Lakhmi became a famous singer of Haryana with his hard work and struggle and was honoured with Surya Har for composing Haryanvi music genre Saang and Raagni Actor Yashpal also interacted with the audience.
The event was organised by Public Relations Society of India, Bhopal. Senior journalist Girija Shankar talked to the actor about the film.